Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bloomberg angry too?

Dear Mayor,

Maybe if you had spent less time being angry at tobacco users and wasting all your time imposing smoking bans and trying to confiscate more tax dollars out of New Yorkers you could have spent it on more important things. If you are having problems prioritizing, maybe you should visit the average citizen from time-to-time and ask, "Should I focus on my war on tobacco or making sure basic city services actually will work when needed?" That may be a good place to start.

End rant.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Here's a thought....



Illegal cigarettes are not the problem, just a symptom of high taxation. There is no morale high ground here for the Canadian authorities (or their peers across the border). Government hurts store owners and they boost criminal activity and in the process take away individual liberty by tyrannical taxation.

For all the talk about the cost that tobacco users burden society with, there is no mention of the lives and property lost due government policies.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Michigan: Gee...didn't see this one coming

...and not destroy another person's property and liberty.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

We're from the government and we are here to help...

Gov. Gregoire’s statement on Washington landmarks used in tobacco campaign

"Special edition cigarette packs featuring Washington landmarks, including the Pike Place Market and Mt. Rainier, are being co-opted to sell a product that is responsible for killing about 7,500 people in our state every year."

Yes very tragic, 'about' 7,500 killed each year by a product people freely choose to use. I am not here to debate whether that number is accurate or not, just to simply ask what business does any Governor have wasting tax payer time going after a product that is legal and adults freely choose to use it or not? Please spare us the "save us from ourselves" speeches. Maybe it is not so much a concern for the lives lost but of the loss of tobacco tax revenues that the state of Washington gladly collects from their tobacco users.